Our wide range of products caters to a broad spectrum of traders
How does it work?
The aim is to move to the top of the programmed (to Tier 1). You can do this by investing greater equity or trading a higher volume. However, there is a slight difference on how that works depending on your trading account:
Classic & Optimum Account
The higher you climb, the more rebate you receive. The rebate works like a spread refund of up to USD 2 per side (per notional amount of USD 100,000).
Pro Account
The higher you climb, the lower the commission you pay.
Monetise your skills and trading experience
If you’re a seasoned trader with the skills and knowhow to succeed, why not use that to help others and take a slice of the profits for yourself? Our MAM can help you do just that, or if you can bring clients to us with a substantial contact list, why not join one of our other programmes?